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2 posts tagged with "Vscode"

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· One min read
Luiz Rosalba

When you start a project and want to configure Vscode terminal to access you github:

1) Generate a Personal Access token (PAT) on Github Personal Icon -> Settings -> Developer Settings-> Personal Access token -> Fine or Classic ( fine gives you more control about what token allows vscode to do) -> generate new token and keep note of it

2) on Vscode

3) trying to push will activate a popup that can be filled with you PAT

4) config is done !

· One min read
Luiz Rosalba

When you want to switch from git Working tree to file you don't need to find the file. Add the shortcut to your keybindings.json

1) Open Keyboard Shortcuts on File>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts 2) click on the folder icon , this will open keybindings.json 3) add and save :

"key": "ctrl+shift+q",
"command": "git.openFile",
"when": "editorFocus && isInDiffEditor"
"key": "ctrl+shift+q",
"command": "git.openChange",
"when": "editorFocus && !isInDiffEditor"

Now hitting ctrl+shift+q with the file open will switch from git tree to file .

Source :